Ainda sobre a exposição 'Portugal fora de Portugal'

« (...) GB: You moved to New York from Zurich. Would you ever become a U.S. citizen?

UF: It doesn't matter where you pay your taxes. It's about being with other people. You're still a citizen to this part of society.

GB: What was your typical day in Zurich at age 16?

UF: Drink coffee, go to school, drink more coffee, smoke cigarettes. We didn't have cell phones, so you would meet people in the same café all the time. You go out, get dressed, you think about a lot of stuff-you're very hazy at that age. You think you're being totally clear, but you're not.

GB: If you had to choose, would you be a punk or a surrealist?

UF: Neither.

GB: European or American? Do you still feel European here?

UF: I am European.

GB: Why are you living in New York?

UF: I tried living in other places. They're too monocultural. It's not like that here. I like a mix.' (...)»

Excerto de entrevista entre Gavin Brown e o artista Urs Fisher na Interview.

'Expressão da arquitectura portuguesa em contexto internacional'? Ou, expressão de uma arquitectura internacional através de uma contexto português?

Será que uma 'arquitectura' se exporta? Ou, uma sensibilidade e um cunho vinculados a saberes culturais que talvez nós possamos exportar para um outro 'destino' também globalizado?

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